Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Here comes the bride!

well, here comes the ring bear...

Haven't blogged in a while, I was in Virginia for a wedding then NY for a conference came home and was sick in bed for three I am was just distracted by life - or was. All better now! Finally!

So let me tell you...Patrick did SUCH a great job! What a beautiful wedding it was. I have never seen a Greek ceremony before, the priest chanted in Greek for a long time then he put crowns on their heads tied together with ribbons, he switched them back and forth three times, then he walked them around the alter three times. That represented their first steps in to their new lives...and they were married. Pretty cool, and I am sure I didn't do the description justice.

We all got dressed up in our finest, finery and had a wonderful time with our family. Brian and Alyssa are so perfect together. I really enjoyed watching them, just so kind. Really nice people, I am so glad they found each other.
Tom, Alyssa, Brian & Trish... (Rollie, bride in!)

Tom and I and his cousins & their spouses...they are really great, I wish they lived closer.

this was our gift, I spent a long time going through the photos Brian's mom gave me, and I love the chocolate paper!!!!!! Finally I used a cute clip to clip the "gift" in the back. A labor of love. I hope they like it.

I am designing this weekend, that always makes me happy. I have 2 kits up for the S.A.V.E. club, and a kick -XXX class for the January event to do. All it takes is the clouds to part and the creativity flows. We are also going pumpkin picking with my brother and Maggie. Lovin' Maggie! She went mini golfing with us last weekend while Tim was on duty, fits right in with our goofy family. Tim done good!

I will have to sign off now, I am so tired, not much sleep lately and I really feel like I can sleep tonight. Talk to you soon! T

1 comment:

Rollie said...

Ha Ha Ha Love you too!

I guess that will be one for a while.

Love how the book purse came out. So glad we will have lots of Maya Roads to play with....Loving Maya roads!!

Can't wait to get your kits going, soon my dear soon!