Tuesday, September 23, 2008

It's a girl! ... and a boy....

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...and we are thrilled! Tim finally popped the question and Maggie said yes! Tim has never been one to settle for anything, if he feels something should be a certain way..it is! No question! It is one of his most frustrating and admirable qualities...but in this case, I and the rest of my family are so glad he didn't. I can't think of anyone I would rather have as a sister in law than Maggie, and I know for a fact that Tom is so excited that he will have her around permanently to laugh at his dumb jokes. Maggie brings ART and laughter to our crazy family and that is just what we needed. The boys are crazy about her, she has a way of making them feel like whatever it is that they have to say or show her is the most important thing in the world at that moment..

So thank you Tim, for not giving up the search, and congratulations to both of you. May you have many many years of the love, laughter and happiness you have today.

1 comment:

MelB said...

Trish, you don't post your LO's on the MB so I have not seen much of your work. Your LO's are beautiful! How did you do the stitching on this one? Did you follow a template or did you do it freehand?