Thursday, August 23, 2007

I have fallen...but I am up!

Where have I been you ask? Well I have NOT fallen off the edge of the earth! I have been all over though…entertaining guests from London…”Hi Rema!” Working until all hours of the evening..dress hunting for my nephew’s wedding (found it!) Tux shopping for the boys…back to school shopping for William – if only he would stop growing all would be well, but we barely get home from the store and they are too short again! We killed the kids fish…I was sick all weekend..and I am sure just like most of the rest of the people trying to get ready for the back to school rush I could go on and on and on....I even get to bake a pirate cake!
I am now looking forward to two fun days with family and friends...oh, and Laundry! and maybe a bit of scrapbooking!

Deena is in Alaska this week..she was supposed to email me a photo of her on a glacier but it is Thursday and I have seen nothing yet…but I have not given up hope. I will post again soon, but I wanted to break the dry streak and the streak of "started and interrupted" posts...maybe I will finish some of them, they were interesting!

1 comment:

stuffie said...

How DID you get that pic?? Did you go fix the Hovel satallite? (or was that the name of the ship??)Glad you found the dress, got the tux's and went school shopping. I hear lots and lots of coffee stunts growth...ha ha j/k.
Deena- did she have a great time? Hope so, and looking foreward to seeing her pics. Hang in- tell your mom, for real!