you would think with the convention coming at the end of the week, and SAVE at the end of next week I would be excited. Well, I am about those things, but have you ever noticed how the people who really really suck are the only ones who don't know that they suck?
You know them...the ones that just suck the fun out of everything, make life more difficult for the rest of the population, are so dang miserable with their own little lives that they feel the need to try and bring everyone else down with them. So now I am venting. We have had the good, and the bad, and here is the ugly on Trish's Treasures. Not that the sucky people are reading this because they are always more interested in their own self to care about anyone else. But someone once told me that with a was good to get it all down and it would feel better to get it know who you are and you were right, I feel better.
So now I am going home, to hug my kids and read another chapter of Harry Potter to them before they go to sleep. This was just a bad day and I am going to start over again in the morning and see what happens. I hope everyone else has a better day than I did, and if not...there's always tomorrow!
Thanks for listening..see you at the convention!
18 hours ago