Tuesday, September 18, 2007

This day forever...

We lived on a hill. No where to ride a bike really, and unfortunately did not make it a priority. He had one, for every stage of growth, they all had training wheels, then there came the scrambler, and we didn't put the training wheels on it. We woke up one morning and every one of William's friends could ride a bike but him. And he was starting to spout the excuses we had...no time to so somewhere flat. live on a hill... etc.

So Tom took him Saturday to the elementary school and started to push him across the parking lot. Half way across he was doing it himself.

They waited until I got home and then we went back for more, I of course had my camera, and Patrick was on his scooter. We really had fun. Once when William got off to tie his shoe I snuck on and took it for a ride, I was surprised I could stay on. I don't remember when the last time was I was on a bike! Tom even took a try.

Patrick and his wisdom amaze me. While we were sitting watching William and Tom set up a serpentine, I was taking photos and Patch was eating snacks. Patrick looks at me and says so innocently.

"Mom, why are you taking pictures? Is it because you want to remember this day forever?"

How lucky we are as scrapbookers that we get to have this wonderful hobby that allows us to photograph and journal our lives so we can remember them, and our children's children can remember them forever...
Needless to say we have ridden the bike everywhere, every day since Saturday...

1 comment:

Andi said...

They are getting so big!!

Looks like you all had fun.